Surat adalah sarana komunikasi untuk menyampaikan informasi tertulis oleh suatu pihak kepada pihak lain. Fungsinya mencakup lima hal: sarana pemberitahuan, permintaan, buah pikiran, dan gagasan; alat bukti tertulis; alat pengingat; bukti historis; dan pedoman kerja. Pada umumnya, dibutuhkan perangko dan amplop sebagai alat ganti bayar jasa pengiriman. Semakin jauh tujuan pengiriman surat maka nilai yang tercantum di perangko harus semakin besar juga.

Surat secara umum digolongkan menjadi tiga yaitu surat pribadi, surat dinas, dan surat niaga apabila ditinjau dari segi bentuk, isi, dan bahasanya. Sedangkan apabila digolongkan berdasarkan berdasarkan pemakaiannya dapat dibagi menjadi tiga yaitu surat pribadi, surat resmi, dan surat dinas.

Surat pribadi

Surat pribadi adalah surat yang digunakan untuk kepentingan pribadi. Surat dapat berupa korespondensi antara sesama teman atau keluarga. Ciri-ciri surat pribadi yaitu:

  1. Tidak menggunakan kop surat
  2. Tidak ada nomor surat
  3. Salam pembuka dan penutup bervariasi
  4. Penggunaan bahasa bebas, sesuai keinginan penulis
  5. Format surat bebas

Contoh surat dinas dalam bahasa inggris :


Dear, Hanifah

Hello, Hanifah, how are you? I hope you are good. Hanif, we have not met each other for a long time, and today, I’m very happy to be back for writing you a letter. Actually, this month, I’m planning to visit your city, Surabaya, but my parents cancel the vacation plans because they have to prioritize our business in Singapore. As a result, we will not go to Semarang and choose to have a holiday in Singapore. I am very sad about the decision, and it always makes me promise to go to your home alone when I have been older. It seems difficult to rely on my parents in order to take me a vacation to a place that I want, I think, they always follow their business but do not follow what I want.

Oiya, I heard you won the biggest badminton competition in the province of East Java. I read your name in the newspaper last week. The reporters wrote that you had beaten your opponent in just two sets and all sets were ended with a landslide. When reading the news, the thing that I wanted tell you at that time was that “I’m proud of you”. I know that someday, you will become the great badminton player. I still remember how you beaten Anita, the best student badminton athlete in Jakarta. Since that game, I am extremely sure that you could be the best badminton players in Indonesia. But Hanif, I told you for not forgetting your study. Be like Hanif that I know, always amazing in Badminton and in study.

:D Sorry if I give too much advises to you, please forgive your friend. Hanif, if I visit in your home, I want you to give all your time to accompany me walking around the city of Surabaya. I want to see the city not only from the television or video recordings that exist on Youtube. Even though you will be having badminton training schedule, I am going to definitely force you to skip so you can go with me.

Hanif, it looks like that this is the last paragraph of my wiriting. I do not know what I have to write anymore. I’m afraid if I’m too long to think and write, then I will miss you more and I could not cope with such longing. Hanif, my friend, keep your health. Always be my friend that I have known before, and do not forget to reply this letter.




Surat Dinas

Surat dinas digunakan untuk kepentingan pekerjaan formal seperti instansi dinas dan tugas kantor. Surat ini penting dalam pengelolaan administrasi dalam suatu instansi. Fungsi dari surat dinas yaitu sebagai dokumen bukti tertulis, alat pengingat berkaitan fungsinya dengan arsip, bukti sejarah atas perkembangan instansi, dan pedoman kerja dalam bentuk surat keputusan dan surat instruksi. Ciri-ciri surat dinas:

  1. Menggunakan kop surat dan instansi atau lembaga yang bersangkutan
  2. Menggunakan nomor surat, lampiran, dan perihal
  3. Menggunakan salam pembuka dan penutup yang baku
  4. Menggunakan bahasa baku atau ragam resmi
  5. Menggunakan cap atau stempel instansi atau kantor pembuat surat
  6. Format surat tertentu

Contoh Surat dinas dalam bahasa inggris 


ustika Corporation
Jenderal Soedirman Street, No. 1 Yogyakarta, Central Java.
Yogyakarta, January, 19, 2013
Number : 29/N0.14/IND/PK/2.2013
Appendix : -
Subject : Adding Library Book
Director of Gramedia Jakarta
Jend. Soedirman Street No. 2
In Jakarta
Dear Mr. /Mrs.
I am writing to request an adding book to enrich the library of Yogyakarta Library; this request is based on your company expertise which is correlating with books. We as the contractor of books supply in Yogyakarta request your company to join in classifying the kinds of book which suit for junior student. Our company asks you to attend the meeting in discussing that topic.
Day, date : Friday, November 13, 2013
Time : 10.00 A.M
Place : Aston Hotel Yogyakarta
In this regard, we are looking for your further communication. We will please to be a good partner in developing Yogyakarta students by serving them high quality books. Thank you for your attention.
Sincerely Yours,


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